02 November 2008

julia, did you know?

I was recently charged at by an elephant. Terrifying. Equally as much so as rafting the nile.

Julia? have you heard?

And i survived.


cyn said...

thankyou for your words
there is no one quite like you on the face of this crazy earth
i am so blessed by you meg
did you know elephants can dance?
they recognize the rhthym and beat in the music, & like to move in time with it
i've seen them do it at the portland zoo
watch for dancing elephants amidst the charging ones
love you deary

Anonymous said...

megan!!! you'll be coming home soon. :0 can i be on your list of people to have coffee dates with? I'll buy!

Violet Read said...

oops... forgot the h in your name. sorry.