23 May 2009

the minister

we met this minister.
she is a stunning woman.
full of grace and peace and strength.
she began a ministry for those around her community that caters to children who have lost family members. the program uses art therapy to help children cope.
i was so inspired.
i don't always know why I am inspired. Why do I want to do everything? and why am I only human? There are so many people to help. Orphanages, Homeless people, my neighbor's next door.
I am only human.
I am only human.
And being only human, I am called to love my neighbor. My near-dweller. I am called to respond to the first face I see. Self-forgetting, other-loving.
Thank you Kierkegaard, Levinas, Jesus.
I am reminded that their is grace. But that always people will need love. So I can never stop. We can never stop. This need for love is a-satiable.

The sweet minister I mentioned earlier offered Rachel and I her home to stay in for the next 10 days.
She loved, and how gleeful I am!


22 May 2009

edinburgh, scotland

sometimes i arrive in a place and feel empty. dark. overcome by solitude and loneliness even when surrounded by thousands.

others, though, are opposite.

upon arrival to edinburgh, scotland, only feelings of hope.
this place is rich in history. each building dating back centuries.
the people move quickly, but there is a sense of community.
condensed city. almost like portland. architecture pulling me in.
scottish tourists shops and charity shops and coffee and tea.

traditional and beautiful.
but words are only so much.
only so powerful.

i am feeling lonely often, but after a kind of dark week, i feel mostly restored.
Last weekend we ventured to the spiritual island of Iona. Incredibly beautiful. And absolutely brilliant.
I returned though to a city in Scotland called Stirling. Really beautiful. But also very exhausted from the constant movement from city to city, place to place, adjustment to adjustment.

Arrival to Edinburgh seems absolutely grand. Because Rachel and I plan on staying here for over 10 days. We are hoping to find a place to stay and we will have a home for a good amount of time.

How eager I am for Belfast.

How much I miss you.

How grateful I am for the paradox of solitude... lonely and beautiful. Painful and Joyful.


12 May 2009


it has been about 7 days now.
and what do i think of ireland?

with its often passive aggresive nature (although I'll avoid generalizing)
and its not so welcoming element
and sometimes the loneliness that overtakes
and even the feelings of confusion

i absolutely love ireland

i list off the few negative elements, because in truth every negative in fact is only a blur of a a deeper positive, a distortion of a deeper good. is there really an evil? i believe all things are good and when we see evil... that evil is only a privation of a more present light.
because in truth the passive aggressive component can teach me a lesson to gentleness.
the fact that people often are more reserved shows a beautiful element of mystery.
the distance between my country and your country illustrates respect for homeland, and history, and tradition.
and the lonely attitude only comes at times. and again i'll iterate that loneliness is also only a distortion of good. it is only a truth that I am forced to spend time in solitude. and should i truly run from myself? No. the solitude is necessary and most often i embrace it fully (or at least attempt).
confusion only results from my presence in another country. i compare and contrast. i compare the incomparabe nature of africa to the incomparable nature of ireland. and i expect clarity? In fact it is again blurry when i begin to compare. there are indeed similarities but the strongest is that truth that within each country is humanness. each individual i encounter is human. how, then, can i compare? countries that are composed of people, all existing within uniqueness.

so we have driven through green pastures. sheep are as cottonballs, floundering about on green lands. cows are adorable and everywhere. horses run wildly at times. i walk through cities as well and find people from everywhere. i hear languages amidst other languages and people pass by.
dublin is interesting. a big city full of history and past, yet also people. people running everywhere doing everything. i stick to the statement that you've seen one city and you've seen them all, but that would in fact erase the unique definition of dublin. i love it. and pubs are public houses. hard to find an authentic one in dublin because they are made to create satisfaction for tourists, yet i have indeed found what i'd love to call authentic.

just the other day i escaped the group setting after attending a catholic mass, rich in historical nature. the glass windows of color and the sunshine shedding in. the angelic hymns surrounding. vocals, prayers in unison. Dad always said "Stand up Sit down FIght! FIght! FIght!" I still agree, Pops, but it is quite intriguing, isn't it? people from all walks of life reciting verses together. Even though I cannot agree with all that is Catholic, I can much approve of the setting. I felt so heavy. the weight of centuries gently on my shoulders.

and after mass, as I said, I wandered alone. My journal, myself, and I, in this beautiful city called Galway.
i wandered throughout the city finding local housing and universities. and suddenly I asked for guidance... asking the spirits? the angels? the God? Whatever it was, I suddenly heard music from a nearby door. There were old men playing and singing and hyming irish music. I met a German girl. 23 and travelling throughout Ireland. It is these interactions that I live for... the interactions where human being meets human being. In my independence I find connection. And apparently this is the best pub in all of Galway.

and I love this place. We have seen ruins amidst hills and abbeys and I have ran along cliffs toward ancient rubble.

i cannot help but compare what I already know, thinking of africa and home.

and while there are challenges, this journey is beautiful.
just one night left in galway.
tomorrow is belfast.
and a few days from now we head to scotland.

i love you dear family and friends.

I thank the Lord for this opportunity, for these next few months of human exploration, and I ask that you feel my love.

05 May 2009

Dublin or Portland?

So today we arrived after transit.
Wandered about beautiful Dublin. Quite remniscent of Portland with its gray sky and little patches of sun and entertaining people and colorful buildings and green green lands/

feels like home.

today has been a bit of wandering about.
Looked at the Ancient book of kells (beautiful and ornate) at Trinity College.
TOok a wondrous nap.
A warm shower.
THen wandered around in solitude until I found a nice little pub.
It is a local pub because I was only surrounded by Irish accents and old Irish men/ felt as though I was in a movie... too damn good to be true.
"would ye like a Shepard's pie? Its mee favorit."

"The Fokin horse races..."
"Oh, fok's sake/"

How I thrive off of this atmosphere :)/
Already challenges exist, but mostly I sit in peace. It is nice. And heartwarming. And my hostel of yellow walls and red curtains is comforting.

I love the contours of traditionally irish faces... although Ireland is indeed an assemblage of people.

I am happy and I am thinking of you.
Another day in DUblin until we further our way toward Scotland.

"But your solitude will be a hold and a home for you even amid very unfamiliar conditions and from there you will find all your ways."
Letters To a Young Poet.

So these words rest with me in my summer solitude.