05 May 2009

Dublin or Portland?

So today we arrived after transit.
Wandered about beautiful Dublin. Quite remniscent of Portland with its gray sky and little patches of sun and entertaining people and colorful buildings and green green lands/

feels like home.

today has been a bit of wandering about.
Looked at the Ancient book of kells (beautiful and ornate) at Trinity College.
TOok a wondrous nap.
A warm shower.
THen wandered around in solitude until I found a nice little pub.
It is a local pub because I was only surrounded by Irish accents and old Irish men/ felt as though I was in a movie... too damn good to be true.
"would ye like a Shepard's pie? Its mee favorit."

"The Fokin horse races..."
"Oh, fok's sake/"

How I thrive off of this atmosphere :)/
Already challenges exist, but mostly I sit in peace. It is nice. And heartwarming. And my hostel of yellow walls and red curtains is comforting.

I love the contours of traditionally irish faces... although Ireland is indeed an assemblage of people.

I am happy and I am thinking of you.
Another day in DUblin until we further our way toward Scotland.

"But your solitude will be a hold and a home for you even amid very unfamiliar conditions and from there you will find all your ways."
Letters To a Young Poet.

So these words rest with me in my summer solitude.

1 comment:

Jon Ransom said...

oh how eye miss ye so Meg. it's been ages since we gazed upon each other last. my heart's a-bleedin realizin how far away we are now. me in Bend. you in Ireland. I must admit how truly jealous I am of your position, but I know how great a task lies before you. I pray that God will raise you up in strength and wonder and bless your way. you really are a wondrous thing to everyone, both God and me.

love always,