25 September 2008

George Fox University- Obama Scandal.

If you have not already heard, as this has now reached local, national, AND international levels of news, there has been a deeply disappointing occurrence on my campus back at home.
First, some background. Last year, our school implemented on-campus the Act Six program (modeled after Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington). Act Six offers a full-ride scholarship to 10 intercity kids each year who otherwise would not be able to afford to attend university. These prospective students go through an extensive competition and the 10 awardees are quite deserving. I am greatly pleased with this program and admire those students who work so hard to acquire this.
But, now. Some ignorant individual has posted up a life-size cut-out of Obama that says, "Act Six Reject." Absolutely appalling. Immediately this cut-out was taken down, but not before it already reached the media. And of course the media has blown this entirely out of proportion, saying that the cut-out was HUNG BY A NOOSE. I have talked to my friends back on campus, and as much as this is not an excuseable action, it was not hung by a noose. Oh, the media.

Below is a snippet from my good pal John Archibald, president of our student republican club, whose words were published in The Oregonian:
It is with my deepest regret that I feel the need to address the incident that has recently plagued this campus. It has been in the Republican tradition to support those persecuted against. We are the party of abolition; the party of the Civil Rights movement. What happened on campus this week is disheartening to American politics. Regardless of your politics, this act of hate cannot be tolerated. We at George Fox are a moderate and close-knit culture. It is important that we not let this uncharacteristic event taint our reputation. The GFU College Republicans have been encouraging the creation of a College Democrats group and find that now, more than ever, this should be pursued. We believe in a civil political dialogue between both parties in which students can objectively decide their platforms. Our heart goes out to the Act Six scholarship recipients and the GFU faculty who have had to address this unfortunate issue.

John Archibald
Chairman, GFU College Republicans

I am grateful for John's efforts to speak up. His words are kind and truthful.

Racism is an awful, awful thing. And it exists, still, in this day and age that is supposed to be all about human rights and equality. Being across the globe in Africa, I feel quite helpless regarding this situation. George Fox is loving and accepting, and it is quite unfortunate the actions of a certain individual had to taint our reputation. But even more so, it is sad that the Act Six students now have to feel like the odd-man out. I am sure that there is an element of total rejection, and total sadness in these hearts.

Krista Ray, my lovely freshman roommate, just informed me that President Robin Baker addressed the campus today in chapel. She says that this was a deeply saddening event, yet one that provided unity, peace, and compassion. I am grateful for the campus efforts to bring clarity. My friend Mat Hollen also reminded me just a moment ago, "Just don't forget how good this community is."
And this is what we must rely on. The campus is one of love. It is a campus that holds each student in high regards, and joins together in these times.

I am writing this simply to raise awareness about the actual events. Please pray for those involved. Pray for the campus... that there is an aura of acceptance. Please pray for the well-being of the Act Six students. This is a time where grace, mercy, and love are deeply needed across the globe. No one deserves to be put on this negative pedestal. No one deserves such rejection. Keep the hearts of the individuals involved in your best regards. Racism is uncalled for. And please, please, keep this in mind:

"Above all, love."

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