05 September 2008

into the wild

i deem it necessary to say that I just re-watched Into the Wild.

a brilliant movie no matter what continent you are watching it on.

go watch it. and listen to eddie vedder's music.


Jon Ransom said...

You are a big hard sun
beating down on the little people
in the big hard world...

love - Jon

Elizabeth Moreno said...

AGREED. I'd watch it again this second.

Look. Now you have two comments. Unlike other people.

So popular.

KN said...

Shazam. Three. You're tied with me now.

cyn said...

i am going to watch tonight & watch how my big wild crazy mess of a heart melts into the story.
love you lady

Anonymous said...

still I have yet to see that movie. And "once". Yet I spend my nights watching socially acceptable and instantly gratifying crap. Yesterday i watched the finale of High School Musical, Get in the Picture. It was good. I'm sad you couldn't finish it out with me. Other viewings? Step Up 2, She's the Man, A lot Like Love. And I've been watching a sitcom called "Notes from the Underbelly". And in the episode I watched yesterday they were 3 houses down from Eddie Vedder, and I thought of you. All this to say, I still have yet to see that movie, and I need to.